Customized & adapted solutions to each project!

Solutions dedicated to projects that go beyond the traditional framework of the classic
website and to those who wish to opt for custom functionalities. Big Business Coach is an
example of our achievements that we have chosen to show you.

Showcase website

Informative web platform consisting of the presentation of an entity, which is personalized in the image of the latter.

Mobile application

An application tool designed and developed to be adaptable to mobile devices: mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.

E-commerce website

E-commerce website

Online sales platform customised to the merchant’s graphic charter and set up according to his requirements.

A successful Web Design!

Contrairement aux photos et aux peintures, le web design n’a pas pour vocation première de flatter la rétine des internautes, c’est-à-dire une finalité exclusivement orientée vers le design. Une conception web réussie résulte en principe de l’imbrication de certains paramètres fondamentaux en dehors de la conception graphique, à savoir les contraintes liées à l’accessibilité, l’ergonomie et la facilité d’utilisation. Bref, c’est une opération qui doit englober le visuel ainsi que l’expérience utilisateur.

Thus, a website resulting from a successful web design as in the case of Business 5 To 5 is distinguished by its airy layout, the way information is arranged, its ease of navigation and its web pages designed and developed to be adaptable to all screen resolutions. That said, it is visually pleasing and offers comfortable viewing on very different screen sizes.

A successful web design is also recognizable through the quality of the images used, the way the colours are harmonized, the typographic styles used, the iconography, the design that is minimalist but effective… all with the sole aim of improving UX design and motivating web users to continue browsing.

Make your business more visible!

Advertising campaign

Content marketing

The creation of relevant and high value-added content on the website is synonymous with SEO optimization.


Advertising campaign

The art of developing advertising actions to acquire traffic and generate quality traffic.

Community management

To considerably boost its visibility on the various social media, to further improve its e-reputation and to animate the user community.

A good referencing is essential!

Making a place for yourself on the internet is not just about having an ergonomic and efficient
website like WORLD BUSINESS MAGAZINES for instance. It is also necessary to optimize it on
search engines thanks to a good referencing.

Where is your website?


Architecture of the website 

Crucial technical aspect allowing to have a global view of the website as well as navigational paths.

Traffic and positioning

Position of the website on search engines and its ability to generate qualified traffic.

Semantic content

To combine its requirements in Content marketing with those of SEO, users and search engines.

Where is your website

Is your website ergonomic?

A website is said to be ergonomic when it is simple to access and easy to use.

Do you need a graphic charter?

Pour tout projet web, la charte graphique est d’une importance cruciale car elle englobe toutes les règles fondamentales régissant l’utilisation des éléments graphiques qui composent l’identité visuelle d’une entreprise, d’une organisation ou d’une marque. En d’autres termes, il traduit graphiquement l’univers entier et toutes les valeurs d’une structure. Une charte graphique permet, d’une part, d’avoir une cohérence graphique sur toutes les interfaces web et, d’autre part, de faciliter la lecture et la navigation grâce à des repères visuels constants. Ceux qui souhaitent en bénéficier ont dans ce cas tout intérêt à se tourner vers une agence web, que leur site internet soit réalisé sur la base d’un template, ou soit doté d’un design sur mesure.

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